Have I told you lately how very much I love you?! I mean it--you are simply the best. It has taken me the longest time to realize how much I need others. I work so many hours alone and you, my dear readers, keep me connected. I always laugh when Marsha from Splenderosa writes me a line of encouragement and calls me by a term of endearment. I smile when Paula Jo tells me how she spent her weekend and I feel as if I were there. I'm over the moon if Anna at Absolutely Beautiful Things mentions me in her blog. I feel so good when Debra from Acquired Objects checks in. And I'm glad to know that Laura is still out there and visiting. I feel proud when Gina from Art and Alfalfa (amazing artist) pops over. And I could go on and on but well, you get the picture. That is to say...you matter! Thank you...
"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."
"Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose." Tennesee Williams
"If friends were flowers, I'd pick you."
Oh, Ursula, how sweet of you, and the flowers are just beautiful. You are very special to me also, and I consider you a friend too.
Posted by: Paula Jo @ Outdoors Garden Decor | April 22, 2011 at 08:51 AM
Dear Ursula, Not only are you a very sweet person but you also write one of my most favorite blogs. Thank you for the flower message, It is so appreciated. Have a wonderful Easter.
Posted by: Gina | April 22, 2011 at 09:46 AM
My precious Ursula, you know how much I admire you. And, on Saturday morning to finally have time to do my blog catch-up, reading your lovely words just means so much to me. You are such a splendid woman and, know what, we DID pick each other...perfect flowers as friends. Bloom on, baby!! xx's
Posted by: Marsha@Splenderosa | April 23, 2011 at 08:49 AM
Beautiful flower post shared by you. Besides the blog just being awesome, this page is too sweet! This blog is fantastic.
Posted by: תאורה לבית | September 30, 2011 at 11:31 AM