1. Mostly green and a bit of red, 2. kitchen garden, 3. Day 24/365 : The delicate beauty of a little winged creature, 4. flower carousel, 5. Purple Buds - Hidden Waters Preserve, 6. Budding, 7. 05-05-10 I Won't Be Far Too Far From You, 8. sidelines, 9. first steps towards the sun, 10. bokeh at dawn, 11. sakura, 12. baby robins
I can't wait for spring! The birds are all definitely back and the deer showed up last week and the snow is melting so there is hope!
Posted by: Acquired Objects | March 28, 2011 at 05:21 PM
Sweetie, I love your mosiacs & especially this one. Full of new life at every level. Sending love, Ursula...
Posted by: Marsha@Splenderosa | March 29, 2011 at 10:19 AM